Safeguard boosts handwashing access as the country reaches new record COVID-19 cases

As the country faces a surge in COVID-19 cases, Procter & Gamble’s Safeguard ramps up hand hygiene support through donations to several government agencies and other organizations to extend help to sectors in need. These efforts aim to reinforce proper hand hygiene habits among Filipinos as the country seeks to alleviate further transmission of COVID-19.

Most recently, Safeguard has donated 25,000 hygiene kits to COVID-19 isolation facilities through the Department of Health. These kits contain P&G produced masks, Safeguard bar soaps, and Safeguard hand sanitizer. Safeguard also donated foaming hand soap in admission kits for St Luke’s Medical Center patients, as well as to vaccinees in hubs like Megaworld Lifestyle Malls.

Since the start of the pandemic, Safeguard has partnered with organizations such as the Department of Health, Department of Education, and Philippine Red Cross to ensure that help is being extended to sectors in need. Personal protective equipment (PPE), face masks, ventilators, and hygiene care packs have been distributed to front liners, hospitals, isolation facilities, vaccine hubs, and communities in most need. Safeguard also partnered with MWF in constructing hand hygiene facilities in order to ensure that clean running water are accessible to more Filipinos. This partnership also allowed Safeguard to donate hand hygiene kits to schools in the provinces that were given a greenlight to conduct pilot face-to-face classes.

COVID-19 infection is highly possible through touching contaminated surfaces. Proper handwashing after touching any surfaces must always be practiced to ensure that your hands are free from illness causing germs and bacteria. Handwashing, along with strict adherence to health protocols such as social distancing, wearing of face masks, receiving the vaccine may lessen one’s chances of contracting the virus. Choosing a tried and tested brand to wash your hands with is just as important as following the recommended 15 seconds duration of handwashing. Safeguard remains as the country’s most trusted brand in germ protection for over 55 years. PAMET recommended Safeguard has Infinishield technology that inhibits reproduction of illness causing germs and bacteria. This technology also ensures 24-hour protection after ever wash by leaving behind particles that act as a protective shield against disease-causing germs. 

Put up your best defenses against illness causing germs and bacteria by shopping your Safeguard essentials in leading supermarkets, drugstores, Shopee, or Lazada.