SGV & Co.signs MOAs with iPeople, Inc., PUP and NACPAE for theSGV Academy program

On three separate occasions, SGV & Co. signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with iPeople Inc. (Mapua Group of Schools), Philippine Polytechnic University (PUP) and the National Association of Certified Public Accountants in Education (NACPAE) for the three institutions to participate in the SGV Academy program. 

Aligned with SGV’s purpose of nurturing leaders and enabling businesses for a better Philippines, the SGV Academy’s primary objective is to collaborate with educational institutions and other organizations to facilitate the delivery of courses tailored to meet the rapidly evolving needs within various industrial sectors. It aims to align the education that students receive more closely with relevant industry demands, thereby enhancing the students’ career prospects. The program’s focus currently revolves around four main areas – Accounting and business-related courses, Law, Engineering and Senior High School. SGV will serve as an industry consultant to help evaluate and validate the content, relevance and effectiveness of the accounting programs and provide lecturers, supplementary lessons, training for teachers, and mentorship for students in the program, among other responsibilities. 

SGV is tasked with enhancing courses and syllabi provided by iPeople Inc. and its subsidiary schools by aligning them with industry standards and providing feedback for improvement.iPeople Inc. will offer teacher development programs with CPD units, designate guest lecturers to share industry expertise, and conduct lectures on practical aspects of specific topics. SGV will also deliver special lecture series on specialized topics, provide practical workshops and case studies, and offer internship and employment opportunities for students. iPeople Inc. will supply the initial course materials for SGV’s review, update syllabi based on feedback, encourage faculty participation in development programs, and support guest lecturers. iPeopleInc will also coordinate logistics for lectures and workshops, ensure student participation, and integrate practical workshop content into coursework.

SGV Academy Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing for iPeople Inc. (Mapua Group of Schools) on 1 December 2024, at MAPUA Makati. Attendees from SGV included Chairman and Country Managing Partner Wilson P. Tan; Vice Chair, Deputy Managing Partner and Assurance Leader Vivian C. Ruiz; Accounts Leader Narciso T. Torres, and Assurance Partner and SGV Academy Lead Allan W. Ocho. Representing MAPUA were iPeople Inc. Chairman and CEO Dr. Reynaldo B. Vea and Mapua University, Mapua Colleges Laguna, and Mapua Colleges Mindanao Chairman and CEO Dr. Dodjie S. Maestrecampo.
SGV Academy Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing with Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) on 16 December 2024, at the PUP Conference Hall – Administration Building.

Attendees from SGV included Vice Chair, Deputy Managing Partner and Assurance Leader Maria Vivian C. Ruiz, Assurance Partner and SGV Academy Lead Allan W. Ocho, Tax Partner and Market Group 3 Leader Henry M. Tan, and Assurance Partners Redgienald G. Radam, Leomar G. Velez, and Juan Carlo B. Maminta. They were also joined by Risk Consulting Manager Jervie A. Sta. Ana, Transactions & Corporate Finance Senior Manager Mark Adrian Asinas, and Global Compliance & Reporting Associate Hazel Ann Sera.

Representing PUP were President Dr. Manuel Muhi, College of Accountancy and Finance Dean Dr. Julieta G. Fonte, Department of Accountancy Chairperson and Assoc. Prof. Noel A. Bergonia, Department of Management Accounting Chairperson and Assoc. Prof. Marietta M. Doquenia, and OJT and QA Coordinator Dr. Catherine D. Sotto.

In the agreement with PUP, the program involves a collaborative effort between SGV and the PUP to enhance academic and professional development. SGV will review and provide feedback on PUP’s courses and syllabi to align them with industry standards, offer teacher development programs with CPD units, recommend part-time instructors, and provide guest lecturers to share industry insights. SGV will also conduct specialized lecture series, practical workshops, and case studies, and offer internship and employment opportunities for students.For its part, PUP will provide the initial course materials for SGV’s review, update syllabi based on feedback, encourage faculty participation in development programs, and support part-time instructors and guest lecturers. Additionally, PUP will coordinate logistics for lectures and workshops, ensure student participation, and integrate practical workshop content into coursework.

SGV and National Association of Certified Public Accountants in Education (NACPAE) representatives at the NACPAE Retooling Program Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing on 16 December 2024 at the SGV Makati office.

SGV representatives were Chairman and Country Managing Partner Wilson P. Tan, Vice Chair, Deputy Managing Partner and Assurance Leader Maria Vivian C. Ruiz, and Assurance Partner and SGV Academy Lead Allan W. Ocho. They were also joined by Risk Consulting Manager Jervie A. Sta. Ana and Transactions & Corporate Finance Senior Manager Mark Adrian Asinas. NACPAE was represented by External Vice President Ruth Chew and Secretary Noel Bergonia.

With NACPAE, SGV is responsible for providing training and lectures with CPD units to NACPAE members through the SGV Academy, focusing on the latest accounting and auditing practices, industry standards, Information Systems (IS), and regulatory changes. NACPAE will encourage its members to participate in these development programs, coordinate with SGV on the delivery of the training, streamline topics and materials, and facilitate communication and feedback between SGV and its members. Additionally, NACPAE will provide all necessary support to ensure the smooth delivery of the lectures.